Thursday, March 8, 2007

Response to Chapter 9

Chapter 9: What It All Means

"When today's students enter their post-education professional lives, odds are pretty good that they will be asked to work with others collaboratively to create content for diverse and wide-ranging audiences." (126) There truly is a gap in the expectations of the future and the expectations of today's educational system. Traditionally, we as teachers keep our students disconnected from the outside world by having them write assignments to us or to their peers, and then product is finished. The web opens up their world of learning and teaching others, so that we are not the only teachers, and they are not the only students.

The web requires that the student become a "critical reader and viewer, not simply accepting what is presented." (126)

It's interesting that our students do not need to know all the answers, but know where to find them. I have found that good web search skills are so important, really the basis to successful research.

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